Fine Arts
We strive to give your child the opportunity to take their God-given talents and use them in our Fine Arts competition every year. Our school competes across many different categories from Choirs, to Ensembles, Solo Singing, Choric Speaking, Speeches, Several Art Categories, Preaching, Spelling Bee, and many more. We have been blessed that many of our students have had the honor of representing our school in the National Fine Arts competition at Bob Jones University.

Woodland Baptist Christian School has an athletic program that currently offers basketball, baseball, soccer, flag football, and volleyball. By participating in our athletic programs, the student-athletes learn how to use their God-given abilities for Him. They also learn how to be a part of a team that strives for excellence in ability and character on and off the court.

Safety is a extensive idea that covers many areas. Physical safety is first in the thought of everyone’s mind when it comes to their children, and WBCS prioritizes physical safety. We also know that caring for your child goes beyond physical safety: it includes emotional, relational, and their spiritual well-being too. We want our students to recognize they are safe here and know they’ll be loved and discipled through the process.

One of the most rewarding things for us to see is a student develop their talents that the Lord has entrusted to them. Our music program exists to bring glory to God through song. WBCS also offers private piano lessons during school hours as well as after school. Students are then able to use this gift and play in Fine Arts, chapel services, recitals, and their respective churches. If your child is interested in taking lessons, feel free to contact our instructor at cosorio@wbcseagles.com.

Chapel is for many the favorite part of the week where students and staff gather together to hear God's Word. We can tell you about it, but you have to experience it for yourself. As a student, you will be challenged, convicted, and encouraged by the pastors and evangelists that preach for us each week.

Our Senior and Junior class get several amazing travel opportunities each year. The Senior trip is a highlight for our graduating class as they get a week of fellowship and fun in places like Gatlinburg , TN and Orlando ,Fl. The Junior class will enjoy the annual visit to Washington D.C.

WBCS seeks to provide students a healthy way to grow in technology proficiency to better themselves in their academic journey . Specific instructions of technology included with this program include creativity, design, and interactivity with different web programs . From keyboarding to supplemental Chromebook use , we provide students a way to develop skillsets that can be used in many future endeavors and even communicating the Gospel message in media form for years to come.

Journalism gives students the opportunity to learn several new skills while designing and creating our school year book. Many students can be seen developing a talent for photography while taking pictures in all school events. The Annual for 2021's senior class
was recognized by Jostens Inc. into the
National Yearbook Program of Excellence being one of the top 12% in the nation !